Thursday, 11 September 2014

A-Z Summer 2014!

Hey Beautybots,
               Here is a A-Z of what we have been doing, good shops new trends and all that from this summer!

A - Aztec = the Aztec Dresses are so in this summer (Sister Bird has an Aztec Dress from New Look)

B - Brazil = Brazil hosted the World Cup this year!
C - Crop Tops = Crop Tops are so in this year - you can get them from New Look, River Island and also there are some great ones in Topshop although they are more on the expensive side!
D - DisneyLand = Baby Bird travelled to Disney Land this year - Did you see the Snaps?
E - Earings = Baby Bird had here ears pierced this summer and Sister Bird is still as adamant as ever!
F - Friends = Summer is a time to spend with friends and we did just that having girls night and shopping trips
G - Glasses = Sun Glasses - You can't go wrong!
H - Holidays = Lots of You and We have been on Holiday this year - Comment where you went?
I - Inbetweeners 2 = The New Movie out in  the Uk in August 2014!
J - Jennifer Lawrence = Catching Fire is a great summer film featuring Jennifer Lawrence
K - Karaoke = Mummy Bird watched lots of Karaoke Performances while she was in Turkey
L - Loafers = is very in at the minute with all the great Flat Shoes!
M - Mummy Bird = This is Mummy Bird favourite time of year!
N - Nobody's Perfect = Jessie J performed brilliantly at the Edinbrough Festival at the start of the Summer!
O - Orange = the Bright and Vibrant Colours like Orange are in this Summer!
P - Pitch Perfect = Another Great Teen Film to watch in the Summer (we did)
Q - Queen B = Lorde's Hit Song Royals has been blaring on the Radio all Summer!
R - Rides = Summer is a great Day to hit the Theme Parks!
S - Swimming = Bikinis are totally the new Swim Where and there are some amazing patterns available including some from New Look & River Island to name a few.
T - The Sims 3 = Sister Bird and Baby Bird are both now keen gamers for the Sims after getting them over this summer.
U - Utopia = Its hot in anyone dream place! Summer is Heaven!
V - Vans = Vans are very much trending however expensive - grab yourself a pair now!
W - Waterproofs = British Weather is so unpredictable you need one of these all year round. Primark are doing some great one at the minute for cheap prices.
X - Xtreme = Yes we know its not a word but what can you have for X! This is for the Extreme weather we have been having this summer!
Y - Yellow = Another Colour that is right their in the trends!
Z - Zoella = Our Favourite Youtuber who we have been catching up on this Summer!

Thanks For Reading

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