Hi Beautybots,
So today I wanted to post my (Baby Birds) Fitness Routine and what I eat as snacks after school I just wanted to say I have no equipment apart from a skipping rope. So lets get jogging on (see what I did there?).
On Monday I normally have absolutely no motivation so I do some easy beginner yoga using an app called Yoga Poses I have an android so you may not be able to get this app but I am sure this isn't the only app with yoga routines you can find. I do this for about 20minutes and I am by now hopefully motivated but also hungry so I just go downstairs to my kitchen and cut a bit of fruit up into pieces and put into a bowl and up I go to do my more vigorous workout of the day that still isn't bad. I do the 7 minute workout using an app called 7 Minute Workout again this is on my android but I am sure you can find something exactly like this. I do this twice to break out a bit of sweat and then that is my Monday workout complete.
Hopefully by Tuesday I am a bit more motivated so I can come home and get straight into my workout of the day. This one only lasts 20 minutes and is quite hard and does a really good job of strengthening my legs. I use an app called Pumpup which is like instagram for fitness and it gives you loads of workouts to do I use the workout Twice A Week Workout and I really find it works. Then I go downstairs and I get some fruit and watch a film or something like that.
Wednesday is my favourite day because I am halfway through my week and I feel very motivated. The first thing I do when I get in is get a chocolate bar (I am not going to lie here) I just can't resist one I munch that then I get my skipping rope and skip in the garden (if it is nice) and then if it is still nice I go on youtube and watch and copy a Zumba routine outside if it isn't then I go inside and do it in my bedroom!
Thursday is my no exercise day so the only way I get exercise is by walking home however I make myself a banana and berry smoothie for a snack!
By Friday I am pretty tired out but I do some Zumba watching a youtube video you can do it too by clicking HERE it may only be short but it gets you moving. For a snack I have a Berry And Apple Smoothie and some cut up cucumber.
On Saturday the only thing I do is go dancing however I am dancing for 1 hour and a half. And I have to be honest at dancing in my half an hour break (I am there for 2 hours) I eat Chocolate or Crisps but a girl got to eat right?
Well Sunday is a flop and I usally just do some easy yoga just so I am doing a bit of exercise!
All Day:
Just had to add this section because I am doing the 30 day Strenghten and Tone challenge just because I want to and I do this even on my rest days!
So there you have it let me know if you have any great apps or videos or routines that you love because I would love to hear about them!
Keep Fit
Beauty Birds x x x
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