Hi Beautybots,
So today I wanted to post my (Baby Birds) Fitness Routine and what I eat as snacks after school I just wanted to say I have no equipment apart from a skipping rope. So lets get jogging on (see what I did there?).
On Monday I normally have absolutely no motivation so I do some easy beginner yoga using an app called Yoga Poses I have an android so you may not be able to get this app but I am sure this isn't the only app with yoga routines you can find. I do this for about 20minutes and I am by now hopefully motivated but also hungry so I just go downstairs to my kitchen and cut a bit of fruit up into pieces and put into a bowl and up I go to do my more vigorous workout of the day that still isn't bad. I do the 7 minute workout using an app called 7 Minute Workout again this is on my android but I am sure you can find something exactly like this. I do this twice to break out a bit of sweat and then that is my Monday workout complete.
Hopefully by Tuesday I am a bit more motivated so I can come home and get straight into my workout of the day. This one only lasts 20 minutes and is quite hard and does a really good job of strengthening my legs. I use an app called Pumpup which is like instagram for fitness and it gives you loads of workouts to do I use the workout Twice A Week Workout and I really find it works. Then I go downstairs and I get some fruit and watch a film or something like that.
Wednesday is my favourite day because I am halfway through my week and I feel very motivated. The first thing I do when I get in is get a chocolate bar (I am not going to lie here) I just can't resist one I munch that then I get my skipping rope and skip in the garden (if it is nice) and then if it is still nice I go on youtube and watch and copy a Zumba routine outside if it isn't then I go inside and do it in my bedroom!
Thursday is my no exercise day so the only way I get exercise is by walking home however I make myself a banana and berry smoothie for a snack!
By Friday I am pretty tired out but I do some Zumba watching a youtube video you can do it too by clicking HERE it may only be short but it gets you moving. For a snack I have a Berry And Apple Smoothie and some cut up cucumber.
On Saturday the only thing I do is go dancing however I am dancing for 1 hour and a half. And I have to be honest at dancing in my half an hour break (I am there for 2 hours) I eat Chocolate or Crisps but a girl got to eat right?
Well Sunday is a flop and I usally just do some easy yoga just so I am doing a bit of exercise!
All Day:
Just had to add this section because I am doing the 30 day Strenghten and Tone challenge just because I want to and I do this even on my rest days!
So there you have it let me know if you have any great apps or videos or routines that you love because I would love to hear about them!
Keep Fit
Beauty Birds x x x
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Thursday, 11 September 2014
My week in Fitness: Mummy Bird
Hey Beautybots
So I saw thatBaby Bird had done a fitness routine post so I thought I would do a very similar post for myself for everyday of the week and fill in each day as it goes by so it's true yo what I've done that day!
So the first day of the week and I'm trying to make myself motivated at the beggining of the week so I stay motivated for Tuesday and so on. First of all I walk to school and then from school which in the end adds up to 30 mins so that burns just some calories! When I got home after a little while I did 35 minutes of a workout on Pumpup which is amazing app by the way and ended up burning 243calories. Finally later at night I went upto a show rehearsal where just a bit of dancing was involved so not too energetic but worthy of putting in here!
So alike yesterday I did my walk to and from school which took the same amount of time quote clearly and then when I got home I did yet another workout on Pump Up which again took about 35 minutes and I burnt 272 calories! And that was all the exercise from today!
Again I I walked to school like usual however we did P.E today which included doing rounders! Honestly I did zero running at all when fielding however I did get a run when batting so I did contribute in one way. Then for the walk home from school again like usual! When I got home did just a bit of stretching and kicks with some anke weights in however this was cut shirt when I discovered a massive spider in the corner of the room! Later it was time for my Streetdance which was nice and chilled however some dance is better than none at all right?
First of all you'll never guess what! I walked to school! However I didn't walk home as my grandad picked me up to go to his house! Later I just did my 40 minute private lesson which was super tiring!
The final day of school means the final time you'll here me saying that I walked to and from school like usual! In p.e we played some rounders where I got slightly active. The final exercise of the day I got was a workout yet again on ounp up which I enjoyed quite a lot and I burnt 255 calories with that!
Saturday is my dance day like Baby Bird and this week and last week I was there about an hour longer than usual to go finish learning a dance so I'm usually there for not quite as long. Anyways today I was at dancing 4 hours but an half hour break is included in that! After that I basically didn't do any exercise apart from a bit of practicing of my turns that I never actually do but I did today for some reason.
It really varies quote a lot with what I do on Sunday and this Sunday I didn't actually do a workout and the first exercise of the day was just a walk around tescos for a bout half so just a weekly activity thing really. Later on I did a bit of dancing up at my local theatre as we're doing a memorial concert so a bit of dancing was involved in this rehearsal.
So that is my week of fitness and an idea of what I will do to keep me active in the week. So engines it changes and I'll do more or less. If you like this idea of post and would like more health and fitness related posts, let us know and we'll work on the m for you!
Beauty Birds x x x
A-Z Summer 2014!
Hey Beautybots,
Here is a A-Z of what we have been doing, good shops new trends and all that from this summer!
A - Aztec = the Aztec Dresses are so in this summer (Sister Bird has an Aztec Dress from New Look)
B - Brazil = Brazil hosted the World Cup this year!
C - Crop Tops = Crop Tops are so in this year - you can get them from New Look, River Island and also there are some great ones in Topshop although they are more on the expensive side!
D - DisneyLand = Baby Bird travelled to Disney Land this year - Did you see the Snaps?
E - Earings = Baby Bird had here ears pierced this summer and Sister Bird is still as adamant as ever!
F - Friends = Summer is a time to spend with friends and we did just that having girls night and shopping trips
G - Glasses = Sun Glasses - You can't go wrong!
H - Holidays = Lots of You and We have been on Holiday this year - Comment where you went?
I - Inbetweeners 2 = The New Movie out in the Uk in August 2014!
J - Jennifer Lawrence = Catching Fire is a great summer film featuring Jennifer Lawrence
K - Karaoke = Mummy Bird watched lots of Karaoke Performances while she was in Turkey
L - Loafers = PrettyLoafers.com is very in at the minute with all the great Flat Shoes!
M - Mummy Bird = This is Mummy Bird favourite time of year!
N - Nobody's Perfect = Jessie J performed brilliantly at the Edinbrough Festival at the start of the Summer!
O - Orange = the Bright and Vibrant Colours like Orange are in this Summer!
P - Pitch Perfect = Another Great Teen Film to watch in the Summer (we did)
Q - Queen B = Lorde's Hit Song Royals has been blaring on the Radio all Summer!
R - Rides = Summer is a great Day to hit the Theme Parks!
S - Swimming = Bikinis are totally the new Swim Where and there are some amazing patterns available including some from New Look & River Island to name a few.
T - The Sims 3 = Sister Bird and Baby Bird are both now keen gamers for the Sims after getting them over this summer.
U - Utopia = Its hot in anyone dream place! Summer is Heaven!
V - Vans = Vans are very much trending however expensive - grab yourself a pair now!
W - Waterproofs = British Weather is so unpredictable you need one of these all year round. Primark are doing some great one at the minute for cheap prices.
X - Xtreme = Yes we know its not a word but what can you have for X! This is for the Extreme weather we have been having this summer!
Y - Yellow = Another Colour that is right their in the trends!
Z - Zoella = Our Favourite Youtuber who we have been catching up on this Summer!
Thanks For Reading

Here is a A-Z of what we have been doing, good shops new trends and all that from this summer!
A - Aztec = the Aztec Dresses are so in this summer (Sister Bird has an Aztec Dress from New Look)
B - Brazil = Brazil hosted the World Cup this year!
C - Crop Tops = Crop Tops are so in this year - you can get them from New Look, River Island and also there are some great ones in Topshop although they are more on the expensive side!
D - DisneyLand = Baby Bird travelled to Disney Land this year - Did you see the Snaps?
E - Earings = Baby Bird had here ears pierced this summer and Sister Bird is still as adamant as ever!
F - Friends = Summer is a time to spend with friends and we did just that having girls night and shopping trips
G - Glasses = Sun Glasses - You can't go wrong!
H - Holidays = Lots of You and We have been on Holiday this year - Comment where you went?
I - Inbetweeners 2 = The New Movie out in the Uk in August 2014!
J - Jennifer Lawrence = Catching Fire is a great summer film featuring Jennifer Lawrence
K - Karaoke = Mummy Bird watched lots of Karaoke Performances while she was in Turkey
L - Loafers = PrettyLoafers.com is very in at the minute with all the great Flat Shoes!
M - Mummy Bird = This is Mummy Bird favourite time of year!
N - Nobody's Perfect = Jessie J performed brilliantly at the Edinbrough Festival at the start of the Summer!
O - Orange = the Bright and Vibrant Colours like Orange are in this Summer!
P - Pitch Perfect = Another Great Teen Film to watch in the Summer (we did)
Q - Queen B = Lorde's Hit Song Royals has been blaring on the Radio all Summer!
R - Rides = Summer is a great Day to hit the Theme Parks!
S - Swimming = Bikinis are totally the new Swim Where and there are some amazing patterns available including some from New Look & River Island to name a few.
T - The Sims 3 = Sister Bird and Baby Bird are both now keen gamers for the Sims after getting them over this summer.
U - Utopia = Its hot in anyone dream place! Summer is Heaven!
V - Vans = Vans are very much trending however expensive - grab yourself a pair now!
W - Waterproofs = British Weather is so unpredictable you need one of these all year round. Primark are doing some great one at the minute for cheap prices.
X - Xtreme = Yes we know its not a word but what can you have for X! This is for the Extreme weather we have been having this summer!
Y - Yellow = Another Colour that is right their in the trends!
Z - Zoella = Our Favourite Youtuber who we have been catching up on this Summer!
Thanks For Reading

Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Maybelline Mega Plush Volume Express Mascara
Hey Beautybots
Today's post is a review on Maybellines Mega Plush mascara! I (Mummy Bird) am always on the search for a new mascara as it is possibly my favourite make-up item to use as it seems to make me feel much more awake when it is applied. Does anyone else feel like that about mascara? Let me know! This isn't a new mascara but that doesn't mean it is something not to by just because its not new! Any ways onto the review of this product!

Today's post is a review on Maybellines Mega Plush mascara! I (Mummy Bird) am always on the search for a new mascara as it is possibly my favourite make-up item to use as it seems to make me feel much more awake when it is applied. Does anyone else feel like that about mascara? Let me know! This isn't a new mascara but that doesn't mean it is something not to by just because its not new! Any ways onto the review of this product!
What are the Pros?
So diving straight into the pros and first of all this mascara is a pretty decent price overall for the quality of the mascara! It is first of all quite a big wand which I personally prefer, I don't really have a reason why, I just do! I find that this mascara lengthens the eyelashes quite a bit more than anything which is a good thing about this mascara and it also separates the lashes! I find no clumps either even when a couple of layers are put on!
What are the cons?
Onto the cons then and that is that it does quite do what it suggests on the packaging in my eyes! So it is called the Mega Plush Volum' Express mascara and in my opinion that means that it volumizes lashes. This mascara doesn't volumize or thicken my lashes at all but I suppose I depends how you interpret the name of the mascara! Apart from that I can't find any other cons as it this mascara pretty good overall!
Thanks for reading this review!

beauty birds,
beauty galore,
mega plush volume,
mummy bird,
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